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New videos added as they become available, so check back often!

An introduction to Always Helpful Veterinary Services… In this video, Dr. Karen Becker, a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian, interviews three holistic veterinarians: Dr. Sarah Daane-Froehlich, Dr. Margie Nard, and Dr. Judith Shoemaker


Dr. Karen Becker interviews Dr. Judith Shoemaker about Flower Essences: Helping the Mind Heal the Body

The importance of adjusting puppies early in life, with

Dr. Judith M. Shoemaker

Equilibration Dentistry

The Key To a Balanced Horse

Acupuncture for Horses

Acupuncture Points of the Horse

The Influence of Canine Nail Trims on Stance and Posture


Canine Dental Health


Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medical Food Therapy

Nutriscan Project

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